Well, I have been lurking around on the blogs, and not doing much writing myself... I was kind of hoping all would be quiet on our front, and did not really have any updates, the strange Meter error 3 from Jareds PDM was on my mind, but chalked it up to user error, and dealt with the extreme waste of strips... I had an incling to put his sensor for his CGM on ... and well, for a pack of pokeman cards, he was willing... he always says when it is over, it did not hurt as much as he remembered, and we again remind him.. he always says that.. so this time, remember.. it does not hurt ;)
He was having a bunch of low alarms at night, which is not unheard of, and a big reason why we have a CGM... and I (as usual) double check the CGM data with the glucometer, built into his Omnipod...(Which we are a fan of) However.. the data varied way too much for comfort... his CGM said 66 and his meter said 179... an hour later I tested him again... and this time the CGM said 55 and the meter said 180... and within 3 minutes the CGM alarmed again with a rediculous 39! I was a bit paniced, and decided if he just had a glass of milk or OJ, we could all sleep.. and if he wakes at 300+ in the morning, I could deal with that... Sure enough he did... I called Omnipod and asked exactly what does Meter error 3 mean.... the answer ... get ready to be shocked... it means there is a glucometer error and you should not trust the data!!! Call me crazy... but I did not get that from Meter error 3!! I was upset, they tried to calm me down by letting me know that they would 'overnight' me a new one... well on a friday nite.. 'overnite' means monday... So we planned.. like all diabetic families we negotiated our way with a glucometer and remote for the pump, making a pod change happen so when the new one came on monday, jared would not have to have extra insertions when we the new remote came... this was hectic, but such is life with T1 kids... (fast forward) Monday 5pm, I call too Omnipod to track that little bugger remote down as the current pod is beeping for expiration... and well.... (show my sad, disappointed, pissed off face) they informed me, that the order was only placed that morning, meaning tues afternoon at best I would have it. Now not that this was a rant post.. but I informed them (And take into consideration that the folks at Omnipod are helpful and most of them are either diabetics themselves, or parents of diabetics kid(S) ... I reiterated to them, that we were not waiting for a new book, or music disk, or toy... but a life line... a reliable and expected machine to function as our kids pancreas... She tracked the package, called me back and said they would send a few extra pods to deal with the multiple changes that would have to be made to accomodate the delay... All this sucks... I love his omnipod, but that was making me mad... first the ambiguous 'meter error 3' then the ' overnite shipping' that took 4 days... but it all turned out happy in the end, our new PDM came, and Jared toughed it out ... quite frankly, other than having to drag around a remote, and a glucometer, and a CGM for triple protection... he dealt.
So here we are... trusting a new device again... and i do, i have to...after all, he does.
#SpareARose 2020 & A DOC Valentine
5 years ago